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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dani drinks an orange Fanta every day. He LOVES orange Fanta.
Dani always drinks orange Fanta.
Dani never drinks orange Fanta.
Dani sometimes drinks orange Fanta.
Dani usually drinks orange Fanta.
Alejandra goes to bed at half past 8 every day.
Alejandra always goes to bed early.
Alejandra always goes to bed late.
Alejandra sometimes goes to bed early.
Alejandra usually goes to bed early.
Marcos goes to bed at 1 o'clock in the morning on Saturdays and Sundays.
He sometimes goes to bed late.
He sometimes goes to bed early.
He usually goes to bed late.
He usually goes to bed early.
Daniela does gymnastics on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
She usually does gymnastics.
She usually do gymnastics.
She do usually gymnastics.
She does usually gymnastics.
Salva doesn't like chocolate or candy.
He never eats sweets.
He usually eats sweets.
He sometimes eats sweets.
He always eats sweets.
Mica plays piano every day.
She always plays piano.
She usually plays piano.
She sometimes plays piano.
She never plays piano.
How often does John go to Camp Bestival?
He goes to Camp Bestival once a month.
How often does John go to forest school?
He goes to forest school three times a month.
How often does John stay at Auntie Jo's?
He stays at Auntie Jo's twice a month.
How often does John visit Granny and Grandad?
He visits Granny and Grandad three times a month.
How often does John go to London?
He goes to London once a month.
How often does John go to the beach?
He goes to the beach twice a month.
How often does John stay at home?
He stays at home eight times a month.
What day of the week does Kim have piano lessons?
She has piano lessons on Wednesdays.
What day of the week does Kim go swimming?
She goes swimming on Fridays.
What day of the week does Kim play football?
She plays football on Mondays.
How often does Kim have science?
She has science twice a week.
How often does Kim have geography?
She has geography once a week.
How often does Kim have maths?
She has maths three times a week.
How often does Kim have English?
She has English three times a week.