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Are forensics and criminology the same thing?
What is the name of one of the most famous murderers, American cannibal from Milwaukee?
Jeffrey Dahmer
What is the title of the last concert tour of The Weeknd?
After Hours Till Down
What is the largest music festival in Poland?
Open'er Festival
A newborn's skin is thicker than an adult's. True / False
Skin is the heaviest organ in the human body. True / False
Eye colour is associated with the amount of haemoglobin in the skin. True / False
Skin is the largest organ in the human body? True / False
Which 4 countries share a land border with Italy?
Switzerland / France / Austria / Slovenia
Who was the last king of Italy? Victor Emmanuel / Sergio Martarella / Umberto II
Umberto II
What colours can you find on the Italian flag?
green, white, red
What is the height of Etna? 1190 m a.s.l./1990 m a.s.l. / 1090 m a.s.l.
1190 m a.s.l.
Assasin's Creed Oddysey / God of War Rangarok / Assasin's Creed Wrath of Druids / Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?
God of Rangarok
Call of Juarez / RDR / Desperados III / Hard West?
RDR (Red Dead Redemption)
What was Coco Chanel's name? Coco/Gabrielle/Emma/Madeleine
Who is the richest designer in the world? Coco Chanel/Donatella Versace/Ralph Lauren/Christian Dior
Ralph Lauren
Which fish is called "the king of Polish waters"?
szczupak / pike
What is the biggest fish in the world?
whale shark
How many goals did Robert Lewandowski score in 9 minutes?
Which football club won United Champions League in 2023?
Manchetser United