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Glottal, fricative voiceless consonant
Post alveolar, affricate, voiced consonant
bilabial, plossive and unvoiced consonant
the gap between the vocal cords is used to make audible friction
P. of articulation: the back of the tongue is used against the soft palate
place of articulation:the front of the tongue is raised close the the palate
Manner of articulation: occur when two vocal organs come close enough together for the movement of air to be heard between them.
Manner of articulation: occur when one articulator moves close to anotherbut nmot close enoughto cause friction or stop the airflow
Manner of articulation.Occur when a complete closure is made somewhere in the mouth.
7n/ sound.The sof palate is lower and air passes out through the ...........
nasal cavity
Unvoiced, dental sound
It's a voiced labiodental sound. The soft palate is raised
/t/ sound. Closure is made by the tongue blade against the........
alveolar ridge