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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The HP battery / not / last long / The Toshiba battery.
The HP battery doesn´t last as long as the Toshiba battery.
Mr. Incredible doesn't run as fast as Dash.
Russell is not as old as Carl.
Bart is not as intelligent as Lisa.
Say the ABC´s as fast as you can
Open your mouth as big as you can
Are boys as good as girls?
Is Superman as strong as Hulk? ( - )
No, he isn´t.
The woman with the orange t-shirt / not slow/  the woman with the purple t-shirt.
The woman with the orange t-shirt ISN´T AS slow AS the woman in the purple t-shirt.
Tree 1 / big /  tree 2.
Tree 1 IS AS big AS tree 2.
The boy/ not tall / the girl.
The boy ISN´T AS tall AS the girl.
The blue car / not fast / the green car.
The blue car IS AS fast AS the green car.
Huawei / not / durable / Nokia
Huawei isn't as durable as Nokia.
The man / angry / the woman.
The man IS AS angry AS the woman.
The boy's grade _____ _______ good _____ the girl´s grade.
The boy´s grade IS AS good AS the girl´s grade.
The doctor _____ ______ sick ________ the patient.
The doctor ISN´T AS sick AS the pataient.