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Foundations Chapter 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of the following is one of the 10 general guidelines to keep in mind in social media marketing?
Always respond
Dont be afraid to post too much
focus on likes, not engagement
Do your best to oversell
your portfolio should be should be prepared in a way that projects ______.
high style
good hygiene
work ethic
which of the following should NOT be a part of a powerful online or printed portfolio?
list of personal hygiene and grooming practices
statement of relevant civic affiliations
summary of continuing education
current resume
Think of your portfolio as a(n) ____ for potential clients and wmployers that allows them to evaluate your professional skills and technical artistry.
exhibit of your work on display
sample of your personal hygiene
story about your education and training
presentation of your work ethic
Which of the following is NOT an integral part of a good work ethic?
One of the greatest challenges you will encounter as a beauty professional is the ______.
diversity of your clients personalities
maintenance of your own personal hygiene
reliance on your own ethics and morals
adherence to professionalism in the workplace
_____ is the daily maintenace of cleanliness by practicing good healthful habits.
personal hygiene
dressing for success
personal grooming
Within seven ______, someone will establish eleven ____ you.
seconds; impressions of
minutes; rules for
hours; biases againts
meetings; questions for
When it comes to your professional image, keep the ______ rule in mind.
Which of the following is TRUE of the qualities that demonstrate professionalism?
theyll become templates through which you shape your career
you will ionly bring them to certain jobs and clients
they include onlu appearence, confidence and integrity
theres no way to know whic qualities thesse are in yourself
If you asked five different people to define "professionalism" you would likely _____.
get five different answers
not get an answer
get two different answers
get one unanimous opinion
Which of the following BEST describes your professional image?
the impression you project through appearence & conduct
ability to become someone oher than you
based on your skill and talent
ability to control all of the things clients cant see
Which of the following does NOT define you as a professional and should NOT be considered one of your most valuable assets?
your ability to be someone other than yourself
your professional reputation
your talent
your knowledge