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Verb patterns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell your manager that we hope __ (arrive) around two.
to arrive
He keeps puttig off __ (go) to the dentist but he'll regret it soon.
Sorry! I don't mean __ (offend) you but we didn't ask for your opinion.
to offend
She graciously offered __ (get) pizza so I wouldn't have to cook.
to get
He reluctantly agreed __ (pay) for the damage.
to pay
I'll tell you something if you promise __ (keep) the secret.
to keep
What a surprise! I didn't expect __ (meet) you here.
to meet
I deeply regret __ (say) that you are too stupid to get the job.
I don't mind at all __ (tell) people my age.
I can't help __ (feel) lonely.
She'll never admit __ (take) the car without permission.
taking / having taken
I remember __ (see) pictures of him when I was a child.
I almost forgot __ (tell) you that you have a message in your inbox.
to tell
He bitterly resents __ (be) treated like a child.
He couldn't afford the money __ (go) on the trip.
to go
Will you let me __ (know) when the meeting starts?