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Speaking Review Grade 9

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say a sentence with " in, on, OR at"
In the morning________, on Tuesday_____________, at 5PM____________
use a sentence with "should"
you should _________. I think we should____________
say an "IF/Will" sentence
example: if you____________ you will______________
what type of media do you use the most often?
TV, movies, internet, music, social media, magazines
do you have a job? what do you want to do for work?
i want to be a __________
where is your hometown?
my hometown is____________
Describe the girl and what she is wearing
she is wearing.....Plaid shirt, blue jeans, glasses (sunglasses), she has..... long brown hair, she is... short, beatiful, etc
what do you wish?
could, would, were, it wasn't......
where have you traveled? how did you get there?
I've traveled to ___________, ____________, and __________. i got there by__________ (plane, bus, train, car)
what do you like to do with friends?
can you describe yourself?
Example: I am smart, quiet, and funny
what is your LEAST favorite subject? why??
Example: I don't like history because i think it's boring.
Do you like where you live? why or why not?
what do you sometimes do?
what do you never do?
what do you often do?
can you describe this person's character?
he is lazy
Tell me one thing that you are doing tomorrow.
Example: I'm watching a movie tomorrow
can you describe this person?
she has black hair, dark eyes, and is wearing glasses.
What kind of books do you like?
Vocabulary: Fantasy, novels, adventure, mystery, comics
What's your favorite school subject? BONUS: why??
My favorite subject is _____________ because it's _____________.
what housework do you do at home?
Housework vocabulary : 1. Laundry 2. Do the dishes 3. Make the bed 4. sweep the floors 5. vacuum 6. make dinner
List three things that you like or enjoy doing.
i like________, _____________, and_____________.
What family members do you live with? BONUS: can you describe them??
Example: I live with my mom, dad, and sister. My mom is nice and my dad is funny. My sister is annoying sometimes.
Could you describe your home?
Example: I live in an apartment. it has a balcony and a garage, but no pool.
what's your favorite hobby? BONUS: why??
My favorite hobby is __________ because it's_________
How old are you?
I'm_____ years old
What's your name?
My name is________ OR I'm__________