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Simple Past Mistakes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Did your family had a nice holiday?
Did your family have a nice holiday?
I waked up at 6am this morning.
I woke up at 6am this morning.
When do they go there?
When did they go there?
Who say that?
Who said that?
Where was you last weekend? I was at home.
Where were you last weekend? I was at home.
Did you understand what she say?
Did you understand what she said?
John and Mary was born in 1964.
John and Mary were born in 1964.
It rainned a lot in April.
It rained a lot in April.
Did you have a swim? No, I didn’t have.
Did you have a swim? No, I didn't.
I losed my purse.
I lost my purse.
How do he got home?
How did he get home?
She make that cake herself? No, she doesn't.
Did she make that cake herself? No, she didn't.
Did go they to the disco last night? Yes, I did
Did they go to the disco last night?
We not did like the film.
We didn't like the film.
Was they at home last night? Yes, they did
Were they at home last night? Yes? they were
Did he be at work the other day? Yes, he did
Was he at work the other day? Yes, he was
Do you go to school last week? Yes, I was
Did you go to school last week? Yes, I did