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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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22.Can you suggest a place to (buy a TV)?
You might want to check out the electronics store downtown such as Dienmayxanh/nguyenkim
21.Where does the (dishwasher) belong?
The dishwasher is built into the kitchen island./We have a dishwasher near the sink.
20.Please describe your kitchen.
It's a kitchen but well-organized, with all the necessary tools.
19.Which room is your favourite?
My favorite room is the cozy reading nook in the living room. / The kitchen is my favorite, as I enjoy cooking and experimenting with recipes.
18.What do you do in the rooms?
The living room is where we gather for family movie nights. The bedrooms are for sleeping and studying./ The living area serves as both a workspace and a place
17.How many rooms are there?
There are three bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen./ We have four bedrooms, including a guest room and an office.
16.What do you like about it?
I love the peaceful atmosphere and friendly neighbors.
15.Where is it located?
It's located in a suburban area. /Our apartment is situated in the city center. /We're situated in the central part of the city.
14.Tell me about your house.
Our house is a cozy two-room house with a garden. / We live in a traditional-style house with a lot of trees
13.What subjects are you studying at school?
I'm studying Math, English, and Chemistry./ I have classes in Biology, English, and History
12.Look at the picture and tell me what she is doing? What are they doing?
In the picture, she appears to be reading a book. They seem to be having a picnic. / She's probably cooking. They seem to be setting up a campsite.
11.I always work out (give 3 follow up questions)
How often do you work out during the week? What's your favorite type of workout? Do you prefer working out at home or at a gym?
10.How often do you [something]?
I meet my friends for dinner once a week./ I practice playing the guitar twice a week.
9.Tell me about your daily routine using sequence.
In the morning, I have breakfast, then I go to school. Afternoons are for studying, and evenings are for hobbies like painting or playing guitar.
8.What time do you get up?
I usually get up at 7 AM. / My wake-up time is around 6:30 AM.
7.What did you do yesterday?
Yesterday, I went shopping with friends. /I attended a family gathering.
6.What are you doing?
Right now, I'm working on a project. /I'm watching a movie. /I'm reading a book.
5.In what grade are you in?
I am in the 11th grade.
4.Which school do you go to?
I attend Hoang Viet School. / I'm a student at Hoang Viet School.
3.In what city do you live?
I live in Buon Ma Thuot City. /I reside in Buon Ma Thuot City.
2.How old are you?
I am 16 years old. /I just turned 16 last month.
1. What is your name?
I am from Buon Ma Thuot City. /My hometown is Buon Ma Thuot City.