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Bet you didn't know- Thanksgiving quiz

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What unusual thing does the President do every Thanksgiving?
He pardons one or two turkeys
He gives two turkeys to poeple
He eats the turkey with everyone
He gives a prize to the turkey
When is Thanksgiving celebrated now?
The fourth Thursday of November
The fourth (4th) of November
The forth Tuesday of November
The forth Wednesday of November
What day did Lincoln establish for the celebration?
The final Thursday of November
The final Sunday of November
The final day of November
The first day of November
Which President made Thanksgiving an annual national celebration?
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin Roosevelt
George Washington
Andrew Johnson
What recipes did she publish?
Pumpkin pie, turkey, stuffing
Chocolate pie, turkey, salads
Chocolate pie, chicken, sandwiches
Pumpkin pie, beef, french fries
Which American writer waged a campaign to make Thanksgiving an annual holiday?
Sara Josepha Hale
Sara Johnson Bale
Sarah Johnston Male
Sara Jason Tale
What year did George Washington make the announcement?
Which president announced the first Thanksgiving national holiday?
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
Matthew McConaughey
What was on the first Thanksgiving menu?
5 deer (Venison), maybe plain cranberries
5 deer (Venison), maybe strawberries
5 pigs (Pork), maybe potatoes
5 pigs (Pork), maybe pumpkin pie
How long was the first Thanksgiving celebration?
3 days
5 days
2 days
4 days