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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Her mom said, "No, you can't play outside right now." How does she feel? What can she do instead?
Mad - She could play inside for a little while and ask again later.
He is sharing with Mickey Mouse. How does Mickey Mouse feel?
His sister took his toy. How does he feel? What can she do instead?
He feels mad - She could ask him nicely to borrow the toy and they could take turns.
How does Charlie Brown feel? How could you help him feel better?
Scared/sad - Could give him a high five, tell him "You can do it!"
How does the bird feel? How could you help him feel better?
Sad/lonely - Could offer to let him play with you
How does he feel? How could you help him feel better?
Sad/lonely - Could offer to let him play with you
How does the dwarf feel and what could you do for him?
Sleepy - you could offer him a pillow or somewhere to rest
How does the baby feel and why? How could you help the baby feel better?
Scared, because the toy is walking toward him. You could turn the toy off and show it to him.
How does Spongebob feel and why? How could you help him feel better?
Scared, because he is in the dark. You could turn on a light or night-light for him.
How does Winnie the Pooh feel and why
Happy/excited, because he is getting ready to eat a yummy meal
How do Spongebob and Patrick feel and why?
Happy/excited, because they are playing with bubbles
How does Minnie Mouse feel and why?
Happy, because she has cake