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Foundations chapter 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can mnemonics be used as a lerning tool to help you with your studies?
they are a shortcut to recall info
they work as a note taking tool
they provide a way for you to stay organized
they help you through repetition
Which of the following BEST defines ethics?
Moral principles by which we live and work
deep feelings common in all people
laws that regulate all industries
posted rules and regulations in the workplace
Which of the following might be considered unethical
concealing info about products in order to sell them
pricing products below competetors
staying open longer hours to get more customers
advertising your buisness aggressively
Why is discretion an important part of ethical behavior?
you should keep certain client information confidential
you should not be truthful with those you do buisness with
it is essential that you always take care of yourself first
virtually all clients lie to those they do buisness with
Which of the following is the BEST term to explain diplomacy?
Why is it so importatn to practive diplomacy in your career in beauty and wellness
it shows you can deliever messages in a kind way
it shows you are emotionally stable
it shows you are agressive and assertive
it shows you are motivated and driven
An individuals personality is the sum of their ____.
characteristics, attitudes, and behavioral traits
charicteristics and behavioral traits only
attitudes and behavioral traits only
characteristics and attitudes only
Why is it important never to stop learning about the beauty and wellness industry?
the beauty and wellness industry never stops changing
throughout your career there will be tests and quizzes
formal schooling will always be a part of the career
you will always be required to attent classes
What is important to do when designing your time managment system?
make sure it will work for you
make sure it is foolproof
make sure it will work for others
make sure it has worked for others
Why should one NOT neglect physical activity?
exercise and recreation stimulate clear thinking
physical activity is on your to do list
physicial activity is a long term goal
exercise and recreartion are short term goals
Ordering tasks on your to do list from most to least important is a form of ______.
writting a mission statement
increasing self esteem
Why is it important to break up your long term goals into smaller pieces?
then they dont seem so overwhelming
then they become short term goals
then they are guaranteed to happen
then they are more professional
which of the following is the BEST example of a long term goal?
to slowly grow the company into broader international market
to reach 100,000 in sales by weeks end
to hire three competent staffers before the busy season
to invest company revenue in next autumns order
_____ is the identification of long- term goals.
goal setting
mission statement
building self esteem
The mission statement often becomes the _____ of an organization.
cultural pulse
creative capability
short term goal
long term goal
Why is a mission statement important?
it establishes purpose and value of an instatution
it shows the institutions compulsion to do things perfect
it puts things off until tomorrow or later
it shows the instatutes conscious efferts to respect others
which of the following is LEAST likely to enhance your creativity?
increasing self-esteem
being positive
looking around for creative inspo
improving vocabulary
to fulfill ones full potential is to go through the process of ______.
strength building
Beauty wellness is at heart a _______ industry.
Which of the following is NOT a reason beauty professionals should study and have a through understanding of life skills?
they are routinely askie to take formal tests
good life skills will lead to a more satifying career
they work with different types of clients
allows them to deal with difficult circumstances