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After-School Clubs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In which club can you swim in a pool?
Swimming club
In which club can you play football, tennis or do gymnastics?
Sports club
In which club can you watch movies and talk about them?
Film club
In which club can you make and eat food?
Cooking club
In which club can you do experiments?
Scientist club
In this club you will learn how to help people in emergency situations.
First-Aid club
You can learn different languages, practice conversation, and implement the language in your daily activities.
Foreign languages club
You can learn how to paint and prepare yourself to become an artist.
Art club
You can learn all about space in this club.
Astronomy club
You can learn how to build different kinds of machines in this club. You can also prepare yourself to become an engineer in the future.
Robotics club
What club is this?
Chess club
This club will prepare you to become an actor in the future.
Drama club
You can develop coding skills if you join this club.
Computer Programming / Coding Club
What club is this?
Archery club
You can practice and improve your skills in various musical instruments.
Music club
You can learn how to take better photos in this club.
photography club