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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the past form of - lie down?
lay down
What's the past form of - pay?
What's the past form of - sleep?
What's the past form of - hear?
What's the past form of - bring?
Lisa will buy a new car NEXT MONTH.
When will Lisa buy a new car?
Make a WH question: We help OUR MOTHER everyday.
Who do you help everyday?
Make a WH Question: I went to THE SHOPPING MALL with my friends last night.
Where did you go (to) last night?
We are so excited about our trip next month. We ____________________ (visit) England, France and Belgium.
will visit / are going to visit
She is sick today, she ______________________ (lie) in bed.
is lying
She ______________ (not buy) the dress yesterday .She _____________ (buy) it last month.
didn't buy / bought
Harry Potter was a very special boy. He was a wizard. His hair ___________(be) black and his eyes ___________(be) green.
was / were
What _______________________ (she/watch) on TV every evening?
does she watch
We ______________________ (not celebrate) our anniversary in 2050.
won't celebrate
We ________________ (drink) tea. Try some.
are drinking
Carol ______________________ (not like) coffee.
doesn't like
She ____________________ (not be) at the cinema yesterday.
When ____________________ (you/meet) your best friend last time?
did you meet
We _________________ (not take) the bus yesterday.
didn't take
This week I ___________________ (live) with my relatives
am living
She never _________________(cry) in movies.