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Body Idioms (Skipper)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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said or done without thinking or planning
you say sth immediately, without thinking carefully about it or checking the facts
off the top of one's head
to really want sth
I'd give my right hand to
sth is in a very bad condition
sth is on its last legs
to tell someone about something that has been worrying or annoying you for a long time, so that you feel better afterwards
to get sth off your chest
an advantage that helps you to be successful
to have/give smb a head start
to be pleased when someone leaves or when you get rid of something, because you do not like them
to be glad to see the back of sb/sth
if you do something ............. to doing something else, you do it in order to make the second thing more likely to happen
with an eye to
to annoy smb
to get up sb's nose
in the eyes of the law
to think of ideas and make decisions very quickly
to think on your feet
make/lose large sum of money fast
to make/ lose money hand over first
to be always thinking about something
to have sth on the brain
to learn to be independent
to learn to stand on one's two feet
to be very annoying
pain in the neck
to suddenly feel that you are not brave enough to do something you planned to do
to get cold feet
to love or suddenly start to love someone very much
to be/fall head over heels in love
at the bottom of
at the foot of
to pay for something, especially something expensive that you do not want to pay for
to foot the bill
very expensive
to cost an arm and a leg