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Consumer Protection Act 2007

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Josh created a website which claimed that the selling of red peppers was made illegal by the Government
True - this is a false claim that states that the selling of a product is illegal
A sales person sells Jane a subscription service for beauty products. However, Jane, an 86 year old woman, feels threatened by their behaviour as they were quite aggressive and she felt that she had to buy the subscription service.
True - this is an aggressive practice as Jane felt threatened by the behaviour of the sales person
Supervalu has coffee priced at €3. However, when Peter went to buy the coffee, it was priced at €7. This was because Supervalu put the coffee in the place of another ingredient. Peter claims that the shop must sell it to him for €3
False - if the retailer makes a mistake on pricing, the buyer does not have the right to demand be sold to them at the marked price
When Geraldine read the instructions for her Air Fryer, it did not say that she could not charge her phone in it. She decided to test it out and it exploded. She decides to take legal action
False - She did not use the Air Fryer for its intended purpose
Harry created a competition for a new TV and stated that Harvey Norman were sponsoring the competition, even though they weren't. Harvey Norman decide to take legal action against Harry because of the competition
True - as Harry stated that the competition was backed by Harvey Norman or that they endorsed the competition
Margaret decided she wanted to create her own brand of crisps and wanted to piggyback off Tayto's crisps customer base. She settled on the name TayYo crisps. Tayto crisps claim that she has broken the rules of the Customer Protection Act
True - because Margaret created a brand that would have mislead customers into believing that TayYo was Tayto
Jerry goes to a shop and picks cough medicine off the shelf. He then decides to put it back and pick up Soothers instead. The shop tells Jerry that because he picked up the cough medicine originally, he has to buy it.
False - A contract had not been created when Jerry picked the cough medicine off the shelf
Susan bought shoes from her friend. However, the first day it was raining and the soles came off the shoe. Susan can claim her money back from her friend
False - Because it is Susan's friend, Susan is not classed as a consumer