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Past Continuous or Past Simple?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They ______ video games while their mom _______ the dishes.(play, wash)
were playing, was washing
While we ______ to Paris we _____ an accident. (drive, see)
were driving, saw
While they _________ home they ______ a beautiful rainbow. (go, see)
were going, saw
I was sitting in the garden while the birds ................... (sing) beautifully.
were singing
Luisa and John________(study) English last semester
I _______(speak) to Lauren last Friday
I ________(take) my nephew to the dentist last month
He_______(give) me chocolates 1 year ago
We_______(chat) online last weekend
Liz ______(do) her homework last Sunday
We ____ (study) at the same university in 2001.
My friend ____________(hurt) himself at the competitions last week.
They ____________(not+catch) many fish last week.
didn't catch
My uncle ______________(buy) this car many years ago.
Fred _____ (visit) his cousin yesterday evening.
My mum and my sister _____ (paint) the wall yesterday.
They.......... (play) volleyball when the sun went down
were playing
Susan ................. (travel) to Mendoza when I saw her at the bus station.
was traveling
While he ..................... (prepare) dinner, he cut his finger.
was preparing
Yesterday at 9 o'clock the lifeguard ..................... (watch) everyone on the beach.
was watching
The boy ....................... (not swim) in the sea yesterday at 3 o'clock.
wasn't swimming
The girls ............................ (surf) yesterday at 12 o'clock.
was surfing
Last Sunday we .................. (cook) lunch when you texted us.
were cooking
He broke his leg while he ..................... (ski) in the Alps.
was skiing
It .......................... (rain) when we came out of the shopping centre.
was raining
It _______ to rain while they _______ for the bus.(start, wait)
started, were waiting
When I ______ Kate, she _____ a black dress. (meet, wear)
met, was wearing
While they _________ home they ______ an accident. (go, have)
were going, had
I _______ when I ______ off the bed. (sleep, fall)
was sleeping, fell
The phone ______ while David ______ a shower. (ring, have)
rang, was having
While we ______ to São Paulo we _____ an accident. (drive, see)
were driving, saw
Last weekend Susan ______ and ______ her leg. (walk, break)
was walking, broke
Mary ______ lunch when they ______. (prepare, come)
was preparing, came
While my father _______ a bike, he _____ two robbers run out of the bank. (ride, see)
was riding, saw
They ______ video games, while their mom _______ the dishes.(play, wash)
were playing, was washing
When I _____ Martha at the party she _____ to Juliet. (see, not talk)
saw, wasn't talking
John _______ asleep while he _______ a book. (fall,read)
fell, was reading
She ______ the road when I ____ her. (cross, see)
was crossing, saw
They _______ off their bikes because they _______ too fast. (fall, ride)
fell, were riding
While my father _________, he ______ a beautiful bird. (run, see)
was running, saw
I _______ a book when you ______ me. (read, call)
was reading, called
She ________ very fast and she _______ the tree. (run, not see)
was running, didn't see
When Alex ______, I _______ dinner. (arrive, have)
arrived, having dinner