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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ................. (fly) to Italy next week.
am flying
Where is Tom? He .................... (work) in the garden
is working
My granny ................... (not watch) horror films.
does not watch
We sometimes ......................... (walk) in the park after school.
I never .................... (get up) early on Sundays.
get up
.................. (you/ like) playing board games?
Do you like
Sarah .................. (not speak) Italian.
does not speak
We usually ......... (go) to school by bus
Children ................. (play) ball in the garden now.
are playing
What ......................... (you/ do) at weekends?
are you doing
Let's go out. Sorry, I am busy. I .................. (help) my mom at the kitchen.
am helping
Dan ......................... (play) basketball every Friday.
___ (Tony / live) near the park?
Does Tony live
Archie ___ (not use) his computer at the moment.
is not using
People ___ (speak) English in Jamaica.
I ___ (not work) today. I'm on holiday.
am not working
What time ___ (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?
are you meeting
We ___ (not want) to go to the concert.
don't want
Our teacher always ___ (give) us lots of homework.score
She___ (run) because she's late for her lesson.
is running