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Holes Ch. 1-30

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is this speaker from Holes? "Excuse me"
the warden
Mr. Pendanski
The warden is most likely a descendent of....
Trout Walker
Onion Sam
Trout Walker
Stanley Yelnats
What is the connection between Kate Barlow and Stanley's great-grandfather?
Kate Barlow robbed Stanley's great-grandfather
Kate Barlow married Stanley's great-grandfather
Kate Barlow was Stanley's great-grandfather's sister
Kate Barlow took Stanley's great-grandfather to jail
How does Kate Barlow die?
She is bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard
She is dies in her sleep
Trout Walker shoots her
Linda Miller hits her in the head with a shovel
After 20 years, Kate Barlow returns to Green Lake to find...
the lake has dried up
she really loves Trout Walker
the children still want her as a teacher
Sam isn't really dead
Stanley is afraid that Mr. Sir...
put something in his canteen
won't let Mr. Pendanski drive the water truck
will force him to dig an extra hole
will take away his food
Kate becomes...
an outlaw
a sheriff
a doctor
an onion farmer
What happens to Sam?
Sam is shot and killed
The townspeople hang Sam
Sam leaves town with Kate
Sam escapes the angry mob
Sam leaves town by...
row boat
What is the townspeople's reaction to Sam kissing Kate?
The townspeople want to hang Sam
No one cares
The people want to run Sam out of town
The conflict in this story is mostly because...
Stanley Yelnats is cursed
the warden is looking for something
Mr. Sir quit smoking
X-Ray is the leader of Camp Green Lake
fixed up the school house
learned to read
works for Trout Walker
Sam fixes the leaky roof of the school house in exchange for...
spiced peaches
reading lessons
When someone gets sick they go see the Doctor and Sam, Sam gives them..
onion concoctions
magic potions
apple cider
herbal remedies
Mary Lou, the donkey, eats nothing but...
Mr. Sir shows his upset feelings for Stanley by....
not filling his canteen
putting him in the back of the line
calling him names
dumping out his oatmeal
Trout Walker got his name because
his feet smelled like dead fish
he had a trout pond on his property
he won the fishing competition
he cooked trout at the restaurant
Katherine Barlow makes the best...
spiced peaches
pound cake
apple pie
Stanley figures out the gold tube is really...
a lipstick container
a pipe fitting
a bullet casing
the top to an ink pen
Zero has a talent for..
Stanley begins teaching Zero...
how to read
how to sing
how to multiply
how to dance
Who digs Stanleys hole while he goes to talk to the warden?
How does Stanley's great-grandfather survive in the desert?
Hee finds refuge on God's thumb
He lives off cactus juice
He carries plenty of water with him
He finds a cave with supplies
The warden hurts Mr. Sir by...
scratching him with her nails
pushing him in a hole
hitting him with a shovel
slapping him
The warden's secret ingredient in her nail polish is....
rattlesnake venom
fish oil
Who is caught by Mr. Sir with the sack of sunflower seeds
Magnet steals....
Mr. Sir's sunflower seeds
X-Rays book
ZigZags canteen
Squids watch
Stanley catches Squid
stealing extra food
playing a trick on X-Ray
Throwing up
Zero tells Stanley
that he doesn't know how to read
where the cameras are hidden
how to play a trick on the other boys
where to find the hidden shovels
Stanley gets hurt when...
he gets hit in the head with a shovel
he is bitten by a rattlesnake
he falls on his collarbone
he falls into the hole
Zero never
heard of the old lady that lived in the shoe
went to school
played baseball in little league
went to counseling with Mr. Pendanski
Stanley gets a letter from...
His mother
his dad
his girlfriend
Clyde Livingston
How does the Wardon know all of the boys names?
The wardon has hidden cameras and microphones
The wardon has spies
Mr Pendanski tells her
Stanley blames his misfortunes on....
his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandpa
the police
his teacher
his parents
X-Ray tells Caveman if he finds something he should .....
give it to X-Ray
save it until the next day
show it off to the other boys
hide it from the staff
Stanley wants to work for _________ when he is older.
for the F.B.I.
digging holes
training animals
as a doctor
Stanley finds ______ in his hole.
A gold tube
an arrowhead
a bead
a fossil
Stanley's nickname becomes...
Sweet Feet
Barf Bag
X-Ray tells Stanley..
The second hole is the hardest
he'd feel better in the morning
everyday the digging becomes easier
the second hole is more fun to dig
After digging holes, each boy...
spits into the hole
has a difficult time climbing out
shovels out one scoop of dirt
whistles a victory tune
When Elya is sailing to America, he remembers
his promise to carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain
his fathers words about marriage
he left his watch with Myra
the words to the song Madame Zeroni taught him
Myra picks her husband by..
having the men choose a number between 1 and 10
tossing a coin
solving a riddle
choosing the one she loved
Madame Zeroni helps Elya in exchange for...
a trip up the mountain to drink from the creek
a trip to America
Elya Singing to her each night
being a companion to Madame Zeroni
Stanley's Great Great Grandfather wanted...
To marry Myra
to buy a small pig farm
to become a pig farmer
to become a a famous inventor
The judge gives Stanley a choice between...
100 hours of community service at the homeless shelter
jail or camp Green Lake
Community Service or Jail
Clyde "Sweet Feet" Livingston is a famous....
Baseball player
basketball player
soccer player
Where does Stanley get the pair of sneakers?
The sneakers fall from the freeway overpass on his head
Stanley steals them from the store
Stanley borrows them from the homeless shelter
The sneakers are on sale at the mall
The showers at Camp Green Lake are....
Short and Cold
Warm and Relaxing
Long and Cold
Extremely hot