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Climate and weather revision

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. The prevailing wind brings, warm, moist air from the ocean. 2. The air is forced to rise over hills or mountains. 3. The rising air cools and the water vapour condenses to form clouds and rain. 4. As the air then descends and bcm drier
Relief rainfall (Relief means the shape of the land.)
The sun heats the ground causing any moisture to evaporate and form water vapour. As the warm, moist air rises it cools and condenses into clouds and eventually rain.
Convectional rainfall
Water falling from the sky as rain, hail, sleet and snow is called what?
Gale force winds that the British Isles are most commonly caused by depressions travelling across which ocean?
In the Northern Hemisphere, an air mass from the South brings with it what characteristics?
Which types of clouds bring rain?
What is another name for very large storm clouds?
Which type of weather is measured in millibars?
Air pressure
What is the name of the device which is used to measure wind speed?
An anemometer
How is the wind direction measured?
By the direction the wind is blowing away from.
Which type of climate zone experiences hot and wet conditions all year?
The average weather over a long period of time and over large areas.