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EOC Review Mix-up #2

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What role did Cornwallis play in the Revolutionary War?
He was the British officer who settled his men at Yorktown and then surrendered after they were surrounded.
Who is the main person who influenced the Declaration of Independence?
John Locke
Self-government and natural rights is a model for which American document?
The Declaration of Independence
The colonists were fed up with the many taxes from the British Parliament. What was their "slogan?"
No taxation without representation
How did the Sons and Daughters of Liberty respond to the Townshend Acts?
They boycotted (stopped importing and buying) British goods.
What was the name of the quasi-luxury items imported into the colonies including paper, lead, tea, and paint?
Townshend Acts
What are the Bill of Rights?
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution
Who was Sandra Day O'Connor?
The first woman on the Supreme Court
What was the Iran Hostage Crisis?
The U.S. Embassy was attacked in Iran and hostages were held for 444 days; they were only released when Carter was no longer President.
Who created the United Farm Workers movement and what methods did he use to gain rights for Hispanic farmers?
Cesar Chavez used non-violent methods
What two countries did Richard Nixon improve U.S. relations with?
Soviet Union and China
Why is Betty Friedan a significant person in history?
She wrote The Feminine Mystique and argued for women's rights, such as abortion and equal pay
What Supreme Court case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and what did it state?
Brown v. Board of Education - segregation was unconstitutional
What was the aim of LBJ's "Great Society?"
To help people overcome poverty.
How did the media influence the American public's perception of the Vietnam war?
People saw the violence and death on T.V. and didn't think the war was worth it.
What was the failed U.S. attack of Cuba to get rid of Fidel Castro?
Bay of Pigs
What was the first (Soviet) satellite in space? How did the U.S. respond?
Sputnik; it increased funding for math and science
A neighborhood of houses that were built after WWII and looked very similar.