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Interchange 1 - Unit 14

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How long is the Amazon River?
It's 4,345 miles long
It's 3,345 miles long
It's 2,345 miles long
It's 5,345 miles long
How deep is the Mediterraneam ?
It's about 1,500m.
It's about 1,00m.
It's about 2,500m.
It's about 500m.
How long is the river Thames?
It's 346km long.
It's 246km long.
It's 146km long.
It's 3,146km long.
How high is the Vesuvius?
It's about 1,277m high
It's about 1,077m high
It's about 277m high
It's about 2,277m high
How big is Madrid?
It's about 604 square kilometers
It's about 304 square kilometers
It's about 404 square kilometers
It's about 504 square kilometers
How far is Paris from London?
It's about 342km
It's about 300km
It's about 242km
It's about 390km
How hot is Rome in the summer?
It gets up to 32°C
It gets up to 29°C
It gets up to 25°C
It gets up to 36°C
How cold is New York in the winter?
It gets down to -4°C
It gets down to 0°C
It gets down to -10°C
It gets down to -2°C