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Bio A Final Review

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Phase of mitosis where spindle fibers attach to chromosomes
What phase of mitosis is the center cell in?
Prophase / Interphase
Why do multicellular organisms need mitosis to happen in their cells?
Grow the organism, Replace old cells, repair damaged tissue
Name one example of a heterotroph
Anything that eats food
What is the difference between ATP and ADP?
ATP = High energy, 3 phosphates, triphosphate ADP = Low energy, 2 phosphates, diphosphate
Name one output of the ETC
ATP and H2O
Name one input of the calvin cycle
CO2 and ATP
Where do particles move in a concentration gradient?
High to low
What is diffusion?
Particles moving from an area of high concentration to low concentration
Name one idea from the cell theory (there are 3)
1. All living things are made of cells. 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things. 3. New cells come preexisting cells
What is function of the centrioles in a cell?
Aid in cell division (Mitosis)
Cell organelle that is covered in ribosomes
Rough ER
Enzyme that breaks down Carbohydrates
Monomer of Lipids
Glycerol and Fatty Acids
The name of a molecule with opposite charges on either end
Water dissolving many different subtances
Universal Solvent
What range of pH is considered basic?
Above 7