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Internet and phone safety

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Someone from college sends you a pic to ur phone that makes you feel uncomfortable - what do you do?
A few people have been saying unkind things about you on an online game chat - what do you do? -
Someone from college has sent you a nasty message online - what do you do?
You want to download an add on to your game. It costs £10 and your dad's card detaiils are saved on your tablet - what do you do?
Someone has created a fake profile of you on a social media app. The profile is full of nasty comments and uses the same photos that you uploaded to your account. What do you do?
You are talking to someone online and they ask you to turn on your webcam - what do you do?
You have received an email from an unknown sender - what do you do?
You have been talking to someone online for a long time and consider them a friend. They would like to meet you in person - what would you do?
You are searching online when a pop up appears. It says that you have won a prize and asks you to click on a link!! What do you do??
You have made friends with a lad called Ryan online. He asks you to send a photo of himself - what do you do?
Your friend asks you to join a social media app, but you are below the legal age to create an account - what do you do?