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History Vocab Part 3

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Incalculable sums is a small amount or too much to count?
Too much to count
To lavish is to give way more than needed or to give just enough?
To give way more than needed
Animists believe in one God or that all things have spirits?
All things have spirits
Does devout mean something new or very religious?
Very religious
Does innovation something new or a person who is very religious?
something new
Dependent kingdoms are usually able to still rule their area as long as they do what?
Pay tribute.
Does outlying provinces mean in the center of an empire or far away from the center?
Far away from the center
If I appoint someone what have I done?
I have given them a responsibility to handle.
Are provincial and in the heart of synonyms or antonyms?
Is tribute given from the weaker to the stronger group or from the stronger to the weaker group?
Weaker to the stronger
Does perpetuate mean to make something continue or to come before?
Make something continue
Does aristocratic mean the people who work as farmers or people who are part of the upper class?
Upper class