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Articulation Name 5 (Vocalic /r/)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 school supplies
Scissors, markers, ruler, paper, binder, etc.
Name 5 types of berries
Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, cherry, boysenberry
Name 5 countries
America, Ireland, Ecuador, Netherlands, Portugal
Name 5 animals with an R in the name
Spider, horse, panther, tiger, unicorn
Name 5 words that rhyme with "her"
Fur, spider, dinner, teacher, stir, etc.
Name 5 words that rhyme with "far"
Car, jar, bar, star, tar, etc.
Name 5 words that rhyme with "door"
Floor, sore, core, more, store, etc.
Name 5 words that rhyme with "deer"
Near, spear, ear, fear, year, etc.
Name 5 words that rhyme with "liar"
Fire, tire, expire, dryer, choir, etc.
Name 5 words that rhyme with "fair"
Care, hair, bear, pear, dare
Name 5 types of furniture/appliances that have an R in the name
Chair, dresser, refrigerator, dish washer, microwave
Name 5 types of stores
Grocery, hardware, clothing, shoes, sports/outdoors
Name 5 colors with an R in the name
Red, orange, purple, green, brown
Name 5 shapes
Square, circle, rectangle, triangle, sphere, etc.
Name 5 foods that have an R in the name
Strawberry, cherry, corn, burger, cereal, etc.
Name 5 community helpers
Doctor, firefighter, police officer, nurse, teacher, etc.
Name 5 types of family members
Mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, etc.