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Sweet idioms

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She broke up with him, then wanted him to take her to the dance, but she can't ________________too.
have her cake and eat it
She wants to be a famous singer but that dream is just a _______ if you ask me.
pie in the sky
Our principal was a little lady, but she was one _________!
tough cookie
The morning's meeting was ______ and sweet.
No one tried to _______ it: bronze wasn't the medal the team had come for.
Bob was upset when his job title was changed from "administrative assistant" to "secretary." We tried to convince him that ________ by any other name would smell as _______.
a rose / sweet
I love my job, it's a good job, and getting a bonus ... oh, that's _________!
the icing on the cake
She has a.... for chocolate cake and cookies.
sweet tooth
Ah, .....! After two months in India, it sure is great to be back.
home sweet home
Liam loves football so much that he's like .... any time he steps into the stadium.
a child in a sweetshop
S... ..... darling, I'll see you in the morning!
sweet dreams!
The exam was a ....
piece of cake!