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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's your address?
Well done.
Czy w twoim domu jest piwnica?
Is there a basement in your house?
W naszym domu sÄ… 4 sypialnie.
There are four bedrooms in my house.
Is there a ... (ogrodzenie) with a ... (furtka)?
fence, gate
Name 7 continents
Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antartica, North America, South America
Translate: na, w , pod
on, in, under
Where is a caterpillar?
It's between apples.
Czy mogę zamówić pizze?
Can I order a pizza, please?
Czy oni pochodzÄ… z Norwegii?
Are they from Norway?
... he got a swimming pool? Yes, ...
Has, he has.
He ... (be/have) a garden.
has got
Ja mam 14 lat.
I'm fourteen.
There ... (nie ma grażu) in my house.
isn't a garage
There is a ...(kuchnia)... (obok) a dining room.
kitchen, next to
What do we say: słonecznie, gorąco, pochmurno, burzowo
sunny, hot, cloudy, stormy
Name seasons
spring, summer, autumn, winter