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I usually..., but now...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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His mom usually _____ soups, but today she ______ the steak
His mom usually cooks soups, but today she is cooking steaks
She usually (wear) _____ casual clothes to work, but this month she (experiment) ______ with a more professional wardrobe.
She usually wears casual clothes to work, but this month she's experimenting with a more professional wardrobe.
They usually (go) _____ to bed by 10 pm, but tonight they stay up) _______ late for a special event.
They usually go to bed by 10 pm, but tonight they're staying up late for a special event.
I usually ______ to music while working, but today I ______ to a podcast for a different experience.
your answerI usually listen to music while working, but today I'm listening to a podcast for a different experience.
Why are you wearing something different from your usual wardrobe today?
your answer
What unique hobby or activity are you exploring these days?
your answer
What time are you waking up tomorrow, and is it different from your usual time?
your answer
What is your typical evening routine after finishing work or classes?
your answer
Where do you usually have lunch?
your answer
How do you typically start your day?
your answer
They usually _______ lunch at noon, but today they're ______ a late lunch at 2 pm.
They usually have lunch at noon, but today they're having a late lunch at 2 pm.
He usually _____ in the office, but currently, he's ______ from home due to a special project.
He usually works in the office, but currently, he's working from home due to a special project.
I usually _______ by bus to work, but this week I'm ______ by bike to promote a healthier lifestyle.
I usually going by bus to work, but this week I'm going by bike to promote a healthier lifestyle.
She usually _____ cereal for breakfast, but now she's ______a new smoothie recipe.
She usually eats cereal for breakfast, but now she's trying/eating a new smoothie recipe.
I usually _______ at 7 am, but today _____ at 5 am for an early workout.
I usually wake up at 7 am, but today I'm waking up at 5 am for an early workout.