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Gold Experience A2+ Unit 2 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you give me the __________ to that cat video you found?
What's a good hobby for a shy person?
Many different answers: Photographer, writer, artist, accountant, etc.
The class ________ (end) at 11:25am.
What is a popular fighting sport in Korea?
What's a hobby that requires a very confident personality?
Many answers: doctor, actor, teacher...
If you don't know something, you should _____________ for it on the internet.
Give some examples of negative words for personality.
dishonest, unfriendly, lazy, ect.
Give some examples of positive adjectives for personality.
hardworking, confident, clever, etc.
What hobby would use a camera and microphone?
Youtuber, vlogger, filmmaker..
If you're going to do it, please ____________________. (do it correctly)
get it right
What is the difference between "spending time" and "wasting time?"
Spending time is using it for something you find useful. Wasting time is when you feel that you aren't spending your time well.
She wanted to _____________ in the art club. (two word phrasal verb for "join")
take part
What adjective would we use to describe someone who doesn't tell the truth?
What is another word for "smart?"
Clever, bright
What are your hobbies?
cooking, playing games, writing, eating a cat..
What is a hobby?
Something we do in our free time
What is a competition?
another word for "contest?"
What kind of personality do we see here?
grumpy, angry
What is a personality?
The thoughts, feelings and actions a person does
That's not true! I ______________ (believe) you.
don't believe
FILL IN THE ANSWER: The students ________________ (play) Baamboozle right now.
are playing