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Weather and Climate
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which of these best describes the weather? A) cloudy with a chaince of rain B) hot C) warm and dry) D) mild and wet
A) cloudy with a chance of rain
Which of these BEST describes a climate in Fresno? A) raining B) cloudy) C) warm and dry
C) Warm and dry
weight of air above a given area or a surface. (Hint gas stations)
Air pressure
Name 4 elements of precipitation
rain, hail, sleet , and snow
may come in many forms but most common is rain
Which air holds LESS moisture? Cold or Hot?
cold air
amount of moisture in the air
movement of air across the Earth's surface
How warm or cold is outside
What is Climate?
change over long period of time
What is weather?
daily change in atmosphere