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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why will building new weather stations help the farmers?
The weather stations will help farmers know when to water and fertilize the trees.
What is "cross breeding" ?
Cross breeding is combining two breeds of cacao tress to make a new breed.
What does the word "extinction" mean?
It measn to stop to exist.
In what year, do scientist think that it will be harder to grow cacao tress in 90% of the places it grows now?
In the year 2050.
What is ONE way that climate change is affecting the cacao tree?
Trees are producing fewer cacao pods, each pod is producing fewer beans, the spread of disease and pests that harm the trees
Why is the Cacao Belt, the best conditions for the Cacao tree?
Because the cacao trees need hot, humid and rainy weather.
Where is the "Cocoa Belt"?
The Cocoa Belt is a narrow strip if land along the equator.
Where does CHOCOLATE come from?
Chocolate comes form the Cacao Tree.
What is "Climate Change"
Climate Change is the gradual warming of the planet.
What do farmers in Africa and South America do to be able to plant more Cacao Trees?
They cut down trees in the forest when they need more land to plant more cacao tress.
How much money did Americans spent on chocolate last year?
Americans spent more than $2 billion last year.