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Italian and German Unification

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What political and military strategist was instrumental in achieving German unification and famously practiced the policy of "blood and iron"? A) Wilhelm I B) Otto von Bismarck C) Friedrich Wilhelm IV D) Helmuth von Moltke
B) Otto von Bismarck
Italy and Germany are examples of what type of nationalist movement? A) Separation B) Unification C) State-building D) Civic
B) Unification
What is realpolitik?
a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations
In the 1870s, Bismarck tried turning citizens against ______.
Catholics and/or social democrats
What is Negative Integration?
building a nation by finding enemies or targeting certain categories of individuals to be outcasts
Which event in 1866 marked a significant step toward German unification, as orchestrated by Otto von Bismarck? A) Treaty of Frankfurt B) Battle of Leipzig C) Austro-Prussian War D) Treaty of Versailles
C) Austro-Prussian War
The Austro-Prussian War lasted just over _____.
six weeks
In 1864, Bismarck made an alliance with Austria to join Prussia in war against _____.
During the process of German unification, Otto von Bismarck used a policy of "blood and iron." What did this policy primarily involve? A) Diplomatic negotiations B) Military force and warfare C) Economic alliances D) Cultural exchange
B) Military force and warfare
Which famous phrase is associated with Bismarck's approach to German unification, reflecting his use of power and politics? A) "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" B) "The Iron Curtain" C) "Realpolitik" D) "Manifest Destiny"
C) "Realpolitik"
Who became the King of Prussia in 1861? A) Otto von Bismarck B) Wilhelm II C) Friedrich Wilhelm D) Wilhelm I
D) Wilhelm I
Who founded the group Giovine Italia (Young Italy)? A) Giuseppe Garibaldi B) Camillo Cavour C) Vittorio Emanuele II D) Giuseppe Mazzini
D) Giuseppe Mazzini
The Kingdom of Italy was declared in ____.
Who led a group to Sicily, where revolts against aristocratic landlords were already underway? A) Giuseppe Garibaldi B) Camillo Cavour C) Vittorio Emanuele II D) Giuseppe Mazzini
A) Giuseppe Garibaldi
Cavour negotiated with Napoleon III to sign on as an ally in order to defeat _______.
Who was the first king of italy? A) Giuseppe Garibaldi B) Camillo Cavour C) Vittorio Emanuele II D) Giuseppe Mazzini
C) Vittorio Emanuele II
Who was Vittorio Emanuele II's prominent ally in the process of Italian unification, playing a key role in the formation of the Kingdom of Italy? A) Giuseppe Garibaldi B) Camillo Cavour C) Giuseppe Mazzini D) Pope Pius IX
B) Camillo Cavour
Who was president of the French Republic from 1848 to 1851. He was the first and only President of the Second Republic.
Napoleon III (Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte)
What is "The Spring of Peoples" referring to?
The revolutions of 1848