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The Mini

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Who owns the Mini today?
Which famous character played by Rowan Atkinson drove a Mini in his TV series?
Mr Bean
How long does it take to accelerate an 850cc from rest to 60mph?
5 seconds
What were the pockets in the door of the Mini meant for?
A bottle of gin
What is the maximum number of people to have squeezed into a new Mini?
28 people
Which film with Michael Caine featured a Mini?
The Italian Job
Where are Minis made in the UK?
How much did Donald Trump temporarily knock off BMW's stock market value with a tweet? a. 2.5 billion euro, b 4.5 billion euro, c 8.5 billion.euro.
4.5 billion euro
What percentage of Minis made in Britain were exported to the EU in 2016? a. over 25%, b. over 50%, c. over 75%
over 50%
How much did investment in the British car industry fall by from 2015 to 2016? a. just under £50 million, b.just under£500 million, c. just under £1 billion
just under £1 billion
How many people does BMW employ to make Minis in the UK? a. 12.000, b. 24 000, c. 48 000
24 000
How many Minis are made in Britain per year? a. 200,000 ,b. 500,000, c.1 million