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Similes 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I was at home, mum and dad watched me____.
like a hawk
Once one child in the school has the infection, it ________.
spreads like wildfire
Trying to get him to admit he was wrong was _____.
like getting blood out of a stone
My mom always knows when I'm lying. She can____.
read me like a book
Despite facing setbacks, she remained _____ in pursuing her dream.
as hard as nails
She went pale and was ____when she saw the news report.
as white as a sheet
How can he arrive in the office ___ having had three hours' sleep?
bright as a button
The latest gadget he invented is _____ but has become a viral sensation.
as daft as a brush
After the repairs, the car was ____ and ran perfectly.
good as new
With some practice, you'll find that English grammar is ___.
as easy as pie
He can ___ and never gets a hangover the next morning.
drink like a fish
After a long day at work, she ___ within seconds after hitting the bed.
sleeps like a log
It takes a lot to break this phone, it's __.
as tough as old boots
My dog may not listen to me, but she's ____ around children.
as good as gold
Despite ___, she never seems to gain any weight.
eating like a horse
Even at 80 years old, my grandfather is still ____ and goes on daily walks.
as fit as a fiddle
We had to help our friend who was ____ cross the busy street.
as blind as a bat
I had to repeat myself several times because he's ___.
as deaf as a post
My grandmother is _____ when it comes to trying new things.
as stubborn as a mule
The new software _____ and makes our job so much easier.
works like a dream
She thought of an idea ____ and immediately started working on it.
as quick as a flash