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Weather & Climate Exam Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Rain guages measure windspeed. True or False?
False- rainfall
Temperature is moving air. True or False?
False - wind
Wind is how hot or cold it is. TRUE OR FALSE?
False- temperature
Temperate zones only experience hot weather. True or False?
False - Temperate zones experience the 4 seasons
How many cold zones do we have on Earth?
2 - North & South Pole
This is a picture of hail. True or False?
This is a picture of a flood. True or False?
This is a picture of a tornado. True or False?
The world's climate is getting hotter. Human activities are producing too many ___________ gases.
_______ are periods of unusually hot weather.
HURRICANES/BLIZZARDS are large tropical storms which develop over oceans.
oceanic climate, inland Mediterranean climate, coastal, subtropical climate, and MOUNTAIN/RAINFOREST climate are all climate types of Spain.
mountain climate
Spain is in the _________ zone.
Anemometers measure the wind direction/speed.
AEMET Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia collect weather data in Spain. TRUE OR FALSE?
TRUE- use the weather data to predict weather and monitor the climate
Saving energy , recycling and. eating less meat helps fight the climate crisis. TRUE OR FALSE?
The CLIMATE/WEATHER tells us the conditions outside at a specific time in one place.
Weather is the conditions outside at a specific time in one place.
Heatwaves and hurricanes are examples of _______ _______. A) weather conditions B) climate types C) extreme weather
C) extreme weather
A thermometer measures the temperature in degrees Celsius. TRUE OR FALSE?
There are 3 types of precipitation. What are they?
Rainfall, snow, and hail
Rainy, sunny, & snowy are examples of _______ ________. A) climate types B)weather instruments C)weather conditions
C) Weather conditions
A HURRICANE is an example of extreme weather. TRUE OR FALSE?
Give an example of a weather instrument (measuring weather)
anemometer, rain gauge, thermometer, weather vane