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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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One man __________ (mow) the grass while his wife __________ (pick) strawberries.
was mowing, was picking
Tom __________ (break) his leg when he __________ (play) frisbee.
broke, was playing
He __________ (pass) her a message when the teacher __________ (look / not).
passed, wasn't looking
Marvin __________ (come) home, __________ (switch) on the computer and __________ (check) his emails.
came, switched, checked
They ______ (play) video games, while their mom _______ (wash) the dishes.
were playing, was washing
They _______(fall) off their bikes because they _______(ride) too fast.
fell, were riding
She ______(cross) the road when I ____ (see) her.
was crossing, saw
She was singing while her mother danced in the living room.
She was singing while her mother WAS DANCING in the living room.
They were walking in the park when the sun was setting.
It is correct
We was cooking dinner when they were arriving.
We WERE cooking dinner when they ARRIVED.
We were talking on the phone when he knocks on the door.
We were talking on the phone when he KNOCKED on the door.
She was reading a book while her brother listened to music.
She was reading a book while her brother WAS LISTENING to music.
While she was cooking, her cat were sleeping on the couch.
While she was cooking, her cat WAS sleeping on the couch.
They was playing soccer at 5 PM yesterday.
They were playing soccer at 5 PM yesterday.
She were watching TV when I called her.
She was watching TV when I called her.