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unit 2- looking after your health. grade 5
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Covid-19 or other illnesses like the common cold or flu is caused by which infectious agent?
Malaria is caused by which infectious agent?
Athletes foot and ringworm are caused by which infectious agent?
Tuberculosis or salmonellosis is caused by which infectious agent?
What are the 4 infectious agents?
Bacteria, Fungi, Protazoans, Viruses
True or False: Vaccines are substances that stop you from developing a disease?
Give an example of a diagnosis test.
X-ray, ultrasound, etc.
What is a diagnosis? Who gives a diagnosis?
A diagnosis is learning what illness a person has by studying the signs and symptoms. A doctor gives the diagnosis
What are symptoms?
are the changes in you notice in your body when you are ill.
What are signs?
are what a healthcare worker can see on your body in a medical examination.
What is specialised care?
Hospitals or specialists
What is primary care?
Health center or general doctor
_____is when something internal or external causes an alteration in your body function for a period of time.
_____ is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
What is a non- contagious disease? Give an example.
it does not move from one person to another. Examples: tetnus, breaking your leg, etc.
What is a contagious disease? Give an example.
it moves from one person to another. Examples: Flu, Covid-19, measles
Diseases that affect our mood and behavior, like depression or anorexia, are infectious or non infectious?
non infectious
Nutritional diseases are infectious or non infectious?
non infectious
Allergies... are infectious or non infectious?
non infectious
Cardiovascular diseases which affect the circulatory system are infectious or non infectious?
non infectious
congential diseases.. from birth or pregnancy are infectious or non infectious?
non infectious
Respiratory diseases, like having bad lungs... are infectious or non infectious?
non infectious
Tramatic Injuries like burns, breaks, sprains... are infectious or non infectious?
non infectious
Cancer... infectious or non infectious?
non infectious