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American Slang

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We are going to have a BLAST.
A good time
Who's the DUDE with the new car?
A male friend, a guy
I got a lot of DOUGH for that ring I found.
I just don't DIG what you are saying.
To understand something
Students are advised not to COZY UP to the professor or call him at home.
To become overly friendly with someone in hope of gaining special favors
Why do you want to COP OUT just when things are going great?
To give up and quit
Before we can debate this matter, you're all gonna have to CHILL OUT.
To calm down, to get cool
Come on, let's go. Don't be a CHICKEN.
A coward
We wanted to CATCH SOME RAYS but the sun never came up while we were there.
To get some sunshine, to tan in the sun
You need more protein and less CARBOS.
The game was such a BUMMER, you wouldn't believe it.
A disagreeable thing or person
He got his first BREAK in showbiz when he was only 10
A chance, an opportunity
Time's up. Gotta BOOK.
To leave
They tried as hard as they could but the thing was a BOMB from act one on.
A bad performance or an inherently bad show
Don't BLOW me OFF. Listen! I want it done now!
To neglect or ignore someone or something
I do what I'm told so I can play every game. I don't want to be a BENCH WARMER.
A ballplayer who spends most of the time sitting on the bench waiting to play
The whole team was BEAT after the game.
Exhausted, worn-out
Richard gave me a BAZILLION good reasons why he shouldn't do it.
An indefinite enormous number
Try not to BARF in my car, please.
To vomit
Your birthday party was a BALL!
To have a great time at a party
Man, that is really BAD music!
Powerful, intense
Some AIRHEAD put mustard in the ketchup squeezer.
A stupid person (someone with air where there should be brains)
We stopped at an ALL NIGHTER for a cup of coffee.
A place of business that is open all night
This place is dull. I want some ACTION.