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IM 4.3 Checkpoint A Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which equation is equal to 8/10?
2 x 4/10
4 x 4/10
8 x 2/10
2 x 8/10
Name a fraction greater than 1/2 but less than 1 whole
3/5, 4/6 7/8, etc....
Name a fraction greater than one whole.
12/10, 5/2 etc
Is 4 x 2/3 equal to 2 x 4/3?
Is 4 x 3/6 equal to 2 x 4/6?
Is 9/10 equal to 3 x 3/10?
When we multiply a fraction by a whole number, what happens to the numerator?
The numerator is multiplied by the whole number
When we multiply a fraction by a whole number, what happens to the denominator?
It stays the same.
Which part of the fraction tells us how many units are in the whole?
The denominator (bottom number of fraction)
What does equivalent mean?
Does 4 x 5/7 equal 5 x 1/7?
Does 6 x 2/5 equal 3 x 4/5?
Yes! They both equal 12/5
Does 4x 2/3 equal 8 x 1/3?
Yes! They are both equal to 8/3
TRUE or FALSE: 8x 1/5 is equal if 8/5
TRUE or FALSE: 5x 8/3 is equal to 8x5/3
What is 2 x 3/4 equal to?
6/4 or 1 and 2/4