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EMS Medical, legal, ethics vocabulary
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What does MD stand for
Medical doctor
the act of holding information in confidence, not to be released to unauthorized individuals
Who cannot refuse care?
a patient who is confused or under the influence
Child , domestic violence and elder abuse
Events that EMS are mandated to report
Integrity, compassion, accountability , respect, empathy
Values of an EMS
a federal law protecting the privacy of patient-specific health care information and providing the patient with control over how this information is used and distributed.
The principles of right and wrong
The legal obligation to care
Permission to do something
means harm was caused by action or inaction of the EMR.
proximate causation
failure to take proper care in doing something
Leaving a patient after care has been initiated and before the patient has been transferred to someone with equal or greater medical training
An unwillingness to receive first aid or medical treatment expressed by a victim (or the victim's parent)
Refusal of care
unlawful touching of a person.
threat or attempt to injure another in an unlawful manner
consent in which a patient who is unable to give consent is given treatment under the legal assumption that he or she would want treatment
Implied consent
consent given by adults who are of legal age and mentally competent to make a rational decision in regard to their medical well-being
Expressed Consent
A document that indicates what medical intervention an individual wants if he or she becomes incapable of expressing those wishes
Living will
An order that tells medical professionals not to perform CPR
Written guidelines established by your company and organization
Written guidelines and protocols, and ensures quality assurance by a MD
Offline medical
Orders from the on-duty physician given directly to an EMT in the field by radio or telephone.
Online medical
Most commonly defined by state law; outlines the care you are able to provide for the patien
Scope of practice
Legal document where a patient gives written instructions in advance about health care decisions in the future.
Advance directives