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6th - Unit 3 - In the city

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ese ferri fue un gran error.
That ferry was a big mistake.
Isla iba a las playas de Melbourne la mayoría de los fines de semana.
Isla went to Melbourne's beaches most weekends.
Visitamos la estatua de la Libertad.
We visited the Statue of Liberty.
Tardó 6 horas.
It took 6 hours.
¿Cuánto tardó el tranvía?
How long did the tram take?
How long did it take? (Translate into Spanish).
¿Cuánto tardó? / Quant va tardar?
Did you visit a museum? (Short answer)(-).
No, I didn't.
Ellos fueron a Londres. (+) (-) (?)
(+)They went to London. // (-) They didn't go to London. // Did they go to London?
Where were you last weekend?(Answer for you).
I was in... at...
How can you travel around? Answer giving 6 examples.
By bus, by tram, by metro, by ferry, by train, by taxi.
¿Dónde fuiste primero? Primero fuimos a la galería de arte.
Where did you go first? First we went to the art gallery.
¿Cúanto tardó (el trayecto)? Tardó 30 minutos.
How long did it take? It took thirty minutes.
Ella viajó en metro.
She travelled by metro /underground/ subway.
¿Cómo viajó allí?
How did she/he travel there?
¿Estuvieron ellos en el teatro el fin de semana pasado? Sí. (Short answer).
Were they at the theatre last weekend? Yes, they were.
¿Estaba ella en la pista de patinaje el miércoles? No. (Short answer).
Was she at the ice rink on Wednesday? No, she wasn't.
¿Dónde estuviste anoche? En el acuario.
Where were you last night? At the aquarium.
¿Cuántas veces vas a la bolera? Voy alrededor de dos veces al año.
How often do you go to the bowling alley? I go about twice a year.
¿Dónde estuviste ayer? Estaba en el centro comercial. Me compré una sudadera.
Where were you yesterday? I was at the shopping centre. I bought a hoody/sweatshirt.
¿Estabas tú en el polideportivo ayer? No. (Short answer).
Were you at the sports centre yesterday? No, I wasn't.