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The Electromagnetic Spectrum

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happens to wavelength as frequency of light waves increase?
It gets shorter
What is the most important source of electromagnetic energy to life on Earth?
The Sun
Which waves are the lowest frequency ionizing waves?
UV waves
What type of wave are lasers inside dvd players?
Visible Light
Which of these waves travels at the fastest speed? A. Radio Waves B. Visible Light C. X-Rays
They all travel at the same speed!
What type of wave could have a wavelength that is a long as a football field?
A Radio Wave
What types of waves are 5G signals?
Which of these wave types is most likely to cause cancer? A. Radio Waves B. Microwaves C. Visible Light D. UV light
D. UV light
The greatest energy wave on the electromagnetic spectrum is ....
Gamma Ray
What is the highest frequency (shortest wavelength) color that humans are able to see?
Violet (Purple)
What type of electromagnetic radition does a remote control use to work?
Which of these items is a "Regulated" radiation emitting electronic product? A. Computer Monitor B. Microwave Oven C. Remote Controller D. Electronic Blanket
B. Microwave Oven
When a wave has enough energy to knock an electron off of an atom it is called this.