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Electromagnetic Spectrum and Waves Review
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The electromagnetic wave with the LONGEST wave length is: _______________
Radio Waves
The sun is the source of this type of radiation
UV rays
Waves on the spectrum that use heat sensing technology are called what?
Infrared waves
The electromagnetic spectrum organizes electromagnetic waves based on their ________
All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of what?
The colors of the visible light spectrum are what? Hint: Think of a rainbow...ROY......
What is the most harmful wave on the electromagnetic spectrum?
Gamma Rays
What is the only wave we can see on the spectrum?
Visible light
What is the first wave on the electromagnetic spectrum?
Radio Waves
Indicate the interval which represents one full wavelength in the wave diagram below
A to C
The amplitude of the wave in the diagram below is given by letter ______.
The distance between two crests of a wave is called the
All waves have what 4 things? Hint: one of them is frequency
Amplitude, Frequency, Wavelength and Speed