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Esthetics chapter 13

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The dimond tip of a crystal-free microdermabrasion machine would typically be changed when?
before working on the nose
before working on the forehead
when mild erythema is visible
between the second and third passes
When performing a crystal-free microdermabrasion hand piece, do not exceed _______ passes in a single area
When performing a light glycolic peel, finish treating the _______.
upper lip
When performing a light glycolic peel, begin with the _____.
upper lip
when performing a back facial with enzyme mask, an esthetician can choose not to use____.
sun protection
protective eyewear
a steamer
When performing an enzyme peel, an esthetician should look for ______.
Very light erythema
light to moderate erythema
moderate to heavy erythema
heavy erythema
Back pain might be relieved in some cases with ______.
What surgery might help a patients vision
Forehead lift
Most botox injections take place in what area?
between the eyes
the lips
the side of the mouth
the upper brow
What is NOT a process that typically falls under the category of medical esthetics?
Chemical peels
Botox injections
Laser hair removal
what is not true of MLD
it reduces cellulite
it typically requires advanced training
it involves the use of machines
it works well in conjunction with facials
before and after surgery swelling may be reduced with what treatment?
manual lymph drainage
what do amino acids, aloe vera, vitamine b, ans essential fatty acids potentially help with?
Cellulite reduction
what is the primary cause of cellulite?
Female hormones an genetics
Reiki is a theraputic technique that comes from where?
the treatment that uses a vacuum massage to treat cellulite is called what?
what spa treatment involves running warm oil on the center of the forehead?
ayurvedic treatment
the spa treatment that may be incorporated into a regular facial is what?
stone massage
what type of treatment includes saunas, steam rooms, and vichy showers?
what spa treatment is most similar to a body mask?
body wraps
body scrubs
what treatment does not incorporate the use of seaweed and mud
body scrubs
body wraps
body masks
what is a significant difference between nano infusion and microneedling?
nano infusion is less invasive
microneedling is less invasive
nano infusion has longer downtime
microneedling does not typically involve supervision
what is true of microneedling?
it induces collagen production
it is illegal in the us
it is used to prevent hair loss by estheticians
it is less invasive than nano infusion
in esthetics, ultrasound is usually used for what?
Cellulite reduction
what does the term ultrasound mean?
extremly high frequwncies of sound
what type of client would benefit the most from microcurrent?
for an older client who has sagging skin
a client who is pregnant
a client who has epilepsy
an older client with phlebitis
what does microcurrent directly target, when used for esthetic purposes?
sebaceous glands
When using LEDs, the eyes and ________ must be protected.
the thyroid
the nose
the mouth
the liver
What color of LED helps with detoxification?
What light therapy specifically targets spider veins?
light therapy does not typicaly use what part of the spectrum?
Photodynamic therapy is usually used for _______.
actinic keratoses
spider veins
hair removal
Photodynamic therapy is usually used for ________.
actinic keratoses
spider veins
hair removal
what is the best laser to use for lower Fitzpatrick clients who are seeking a hair removal procedure?
what is the most important thing to know about light therapy is?
equipment should be selected based on skin type & condition
Microdermabrasion would be a good choice for ______.
Clients who are wrinkled
clients who have fragile skin
clients with inflamed acne
clients who are prone to hyperpigmentation
Drying after-effects are typically avoided with ______.
crystal-free microdermabrasion
crystal microdermabrasion
manual microdermabrasion
Clients should NOT typically experience flaking when using _________ in an esthetics context.
AHA peels
BHA peels
jessners peels
TCA peels
what single factor will bring the most effective long term results when using enzyme peels with a client?
communication with the client
AHA peels
BHA peels
frequent applications
What is good advice for estheticians who do not have much experience with enzyme peels?
be preped to remove the peel before manufacturers rec.
be preped to leave the peel longer
always leave the peel on as long as manufacturers rec.
only perform spot removal in an emergency
When would an enzymw peel NOT be typically used?
before a chemical peel
before mircrodermabrasion
in conjunction with a clinical facial
in conjunction with LED treatment
what type of treatment would a client who was a vegan likely object to?
a peel made with trypsin
a tartaric peel
a peel made with papain
a peel made with bromelain
How often should (could) the most gentle enzyme peels be repeated?
Once a week
After a chemical peel, esteticians should tell clients to avoid _______ for at least 24 hrs.
sun exposure
Chemical exfoliation does NOT typically result in ________.
dry skin
increased CRF
improved skin texture
reduced surface pigmentation
What type of peel would NOT typically be used by an esthetician?
a peel with strong TCA concentration
The peels that typically have the lowest pH are _______.
Physician peels
What is the best choice of a products pH for use in salon peels?
a pH between 3-5.5 depending on the clients skin pH
What do the terms superficial peeling, exfoliation, keratolysis, and desquamation refer to?
removal of dead skin cells
What is true of the esthetics use of machine technology?
machines can produce better results
advances technology has not altered much in the last 5 years
advanced technology is not generally worth the experience
the newest technology is always the most effective choice