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What will happen to our bones if we exercise regularly?
Our bones will become stronger.
True or False. A horse is an example of omnivore.
False. A horse is a herbivore.
What do carnivores eat?
They eat only other animals.
What is the function of leopard's sharp teeth?
To tear the meat it eats.
What cause this food to go bad?
Harmful bacteria
What do these animals give us?
What do these animals give us?
Eggs and meat
How are these animals useful to us?
They carry us from place to place.
Why do some animals camouflage?
To hide themselves from predators.
Koala and caterpillar eat leaves. They are called ...............
Which body parts does this animal use to move?
Fins (and tails)
True or False. Crocodiles are hunted for leather.
FALSE. They are hunted for their skin.
True or False. The Blue Whale is the largest animal in the world.
Why shouldn't we eat raw food?
Because it may contain harmful bacteria.
How are the animals around us different?
They are different is sizes, shape, and colours
What do these animals give us?
Milk and meat
Based on the food it eats, this animal is classified as an ............
True or False. Panda is an Omnivore.
Which characteristic of living things are shown?
Living things die
Which micro-organism is used to make yogurt?
The cat is chasing the mouse. Which characteristic of living things does the picture show?
Living things move by themselves
Heat, light, cold. and sound are the examples of....?
Why is goat a herbivore?
Because it only eats grass / plants.
[snake, mosquito, duck, fish] Which of the animals is a "prey" of a frog?
Where does this animal live?
On land and in the water
Which characteristic of living things is shown in this picture?
Living things grow
Based on the food they eat, how do we group the animals around us?
We group them as Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores
Is this animal a carnivore or herbivore?
A car is not a living thing but it can move. What makes the car move?
The engine
Why does the plant bend?
To get the sunlight
What are the three important needs of living things?
Air, water, and food
What animal slithers?
What is the device that lets us observe micro-organisms?
What are two examples of micro-organisms?
Yeast and bacteria
What are two examples of fungi?
Mushrooms, bracket fungi, puffballs
What are the four groups of living things?
Animals, plants, fungi, micro-organisms
In this picture, which one is the prey?
The snake
What do we call animals that hunt for food?
Which characteristic of living things is shown in this picture?
Living things reproduce/ have young.
How does this animal move? What does it use to move?
Swims with flippers
What do we call the young that plants produce?
What do we call animals that eat only plants?
[cow, giraffe, eagle, deer] Which one is predator?
What is the name of this plant? How does it respond when touched?
Mimosa plant. It closes/folds its leaves when it is touched.
How do we groups the things around us?
Living things and Non-living things
What is the young of a dog?
True or False. Animals that are hunted as food are called predators.