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Unit 12: Robots

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Robot might ______ people's feeling in the future (make / guard / recognize / lift)
This is a ................. It can live in the Moon.
space robot
My father can ....................when it is broken
repair machine
...............can help people do every things in the house.
Home Robot/Domestic Robot
Robot can help people ...............
water plan
This Robot can ___ out the rubbish
This Robot can __________ care of the baby.
This Robot can ___________ the Mars for human
What is it made of?
My son .......................... ride a bike next year. ( can / could/ will be able / will be able to)
will be able to
Robots ............ do the housework and talk to human now (could / will be able to / can / should)
She .....................swim until she was 7 (can/couldn't/is not able to)
Robot might _____ an important role in the future more than we can imagine (A. plays ; B. play ; C. make ; D. do) (
B. play
In the future, robots will be able to do more_______ things for us. (A. easy B. complicated C. harder D. much difficult)
B. complicated
_________robots can build space stations on the planets. (A. Space B. Doctor C. Workers D. Home)
C. Workers
"________do they watch TV?" - "Two or three times a week". (A. How long B. When C. Where D. How often)
D. How often
Home robot can ............. like human
iron clothes
They are .............. together in the kitchen
doing the dishes
My sister likes ................... when having free time
doing the gardening
The boy can ................ on his back.
lift heavy things
My mother ...................every morning.
do the laundry
designed and made using the most recent ideas and methods
the most advanced and developed machines and methods
High technology, Hi-tech