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Past Simple and Past Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You (eat) ... that sandwich for an hour!
were eating
We (clean) ... the house all morning.
were cleaning
I (phone) ... you four times last night. Where were you?
I (study) ... for the test all night
was studying
My dog (nap) ... when I (come) ... home
was napping, came
When the whistle (blow) ... , I (run) ... .
blew, was running
My hamster (sleep) ... all day.
was sleeping
Everyone at the cafe (enjoy) ... their coffee, then the stranger (appear) ... .
was enjoying, appeared
They (sleep) ... peacefully until the alarm (ring) ... .
were sleeping, rang
While I (study) ... , my friends (play) ... .
was studying, were playing
I (not bother) ... her since she (read) ... a book.
didn't bother, was reading
When I (leave) ... the house, the sun (shine) ... brightly.
left, was shining
At 7pm yesterday, we (listen) ... to music.
were listening
Why (you, stand) ... on a chair when I (come) ... into the room?
were you standing, came
We (wait) ... on the platform when the train (get) ... to the station.
were waiting, got
When I (walk) ... into the room, everyone (work) ... .
walked, was working
What (they/do) ... at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?
were they doing
We (play) ... tennis when John (hurt) ... his ankle.
were playing, hurt
Tommy (watch) ... a film when he (hear) ... the noise.
was watching, heard
When you (arrive) ... at the party, who (be) ... there?
arrived, was
I (sit) ... in a cafe when you (call) ... .
was sitting, called