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The Ottoman Empire

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Name one issue that the Ottoman empire began to have in the 17th cent.
Decentralized government, corruption, loss of territory
What was Ottoman sultan Süleyman I's "nickname"? (e.g. Ivan the Terrible)
Süleyman the Magnificent
True or false? Ottoman women were allowed to own property.
The roof of an Ottoman mosque typically takes what form?
A dome
True or false? Non-muslims in the Ottoman Empire paid a special tax.
What was the role of the grand vizier?
Chief minister, often largely responsible for the affairs of state
What modern day city is the Topkapi Palace located in?
What were the sultan's quarters called? a. court b. vizier c. harem
c. harem
What was the name for local rulers who collected taxes and reported to the central government? a. viziers b. pashas c. ulema
b. pashas
How did the Ottomans manage to break the walls of Constantinople?
With massive cannons and stone cannon balls
What was the name of the sultan who conquered Constantinople and ended the Byzantine Empire in 1453?
Mehmed II
Name two modern day countries where Ottoman expansion reached during the 14th-17th centuries.
Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Romania, Hungary, Moldova, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, etc....
The elite guard who protected the sultan were called...j
The Ottoman empire began in the Anatolian Peninsula, which is now modern day...