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Present Perfect Simple - Present Perfect Continu ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The children (not/understand) _______ the instructions so far.
The children have not understood the instructions so far.
We (never/see) _______ such a strange animal before.
We have never seen such a strange animal before.
How well (you/understand) _______ the new software?
How well have you understood the new software?
Sam (love) _______ that band since he was a teenager.
Sam has loved that band since he was a teenager.
How many movies (you/see) _______ so far this month?
How many movies have you seen so far this month?
They (believe) _______ in ghosts since they were kids.
They have believed in ghosts since they were kids.
Vicky (know) _______ him for a very long time.
Vicky has known him for a very long time.
How many languages (you/learn) _______ in your life?
How many languages have you learned in your life?
Jane (work) _______ on this project for three months already.
Jane has been working on this project for three months already.
How many books (you/read) _______ so far this year?
How many books have you read so far this year?
He (wait) _______ for you since 9 AM.
He has been waiting for you since 9 AM.
My aunt (work) _______ at the same company for ten years.
My aunt has been working at the same company for ten years.
The kids (play) _______ outside all day, so they're exhausted now.
The kids have been playing outside all day, so they're exhausted now.
My parents (know) _______ each other since they were in college.
My parents have known each other since they were in college.
The children ___ (do) their homework since they came from school.
The children have been doing their homework since they came from school.
Ann (write) _______ a novel for the past six months.
Ann has been writing a novel for the past six months.
We (travel) _______ to many countries, but we've never been to Asia.
We have travelled to many countries, but we've never been to Asia.
They (wait) _______ for the bus for over half an hour.
They have been waiting for the bus for over half an hour.
She (live) _______ in London since 2010.
She has been living in London since 2010.
You look tired. What ____ (you/do)? - I ____ (run) to school for 10 minutes.
have you been doing - have been running
Look, I ___ (find) my old train set!
have found
My back hurts.That's because you ___ (work) all day.
have been working